Here is the list of EvilLyrics addons. Most of them work by simply unzipping them into EvilLyrics directory, other ones that are plugins for various media player work by putting them into respective player "plugin" or "components" directory and activating them:
ELLO - EvilLyrics Lyrics Organizer
Plugin for organizing lyrics downloaded by EvilLyrics. You can get answers to frequently asked questions here.
author: Felipe Gomes
EvilTagger (beta)
Plugin for inserting lyrics into mp3 files using lyrics3 v2 tag. Also part of ELLO 0.5 beta. Read about it in this thread
author: Felipe Gomes
Allows joining kas files with lyrics and exporting them into LRC or SNC (iRiver) format.
author: Guino
When run in your EvilLyrics directory, it creates a html page with links to all your lyrics. List is alphabetically ordered by artist names and subdivided into section by first letter of artist names.
author: Sinistar
PHP program which enables you to post lyrics you've viewed to your personal website quickly and easily
author: AVB100
LCD Smartie
A plugin for LCD Smartie to display your current lyrics on the LCD
author: UTerror
Players plugins:
- Winamp 2 and 5
EvilLyrics Launcher
Plugin that starts/closes EvilLyrics with Winamp. Unzip it into Winamp's plugins directory.
author: Samrolken
EvilLyrics Launcher 2
More advanced EvilLyrics launcher. Allows individual selection of EvilLyrics starting and closing in Winamp's preferences.
author: Guino
- Foobar
Standard Foobar (0.8») plugin for EvilLyrics. Allows EvilLyrics fetching song info from Foobar. You can install it also using EvilLyrics installer by checking respective option. To install it manually, put this file into Foobar "components" folder and restart Foobar.
author: R1CH
- Windows Media Player (9 and 10)
Allows EvilLyrics fetching song info from Windows Media Player. You can install it also using EvilLyrics installer by checking respective option. To install it manually, unzip this file into your Windows Media Player folder. Then select "add plugin" option in WMP and locate saved dll file. Activating (checking) plugin should make WMP work with EvilLyrics.
author: William Mahoney
- Windows Media Player skin (up to version 9)
To make older versions of Windows Media Player work with EvilLyrics you have to apply above skin and run it in compact mode
author: haveheart.com
- iTunes
Makes iTunes work with EvilLyrics. Get more info how to install it here.
author: loc[a]lhost