
Karaoke for The Lion King - The Lion Sleeps Tonight

The Lion King - The Lion Sleeps Tonight (01:09)
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other by the same artist (click icon to import directly)
The Lion King - Be Prepared (03:26)
The Lion King - Be Prepared (03:40)
Lion King - Can you feel the love tonight (02:57)
The Lion King - Can You Feel The Love Tonight (04:59)
The Lion King - Chow Down (03:17)
The Lion King - Circle Of Life (04:29)
The Lion King - Circle of Life (03:59)
The Lion King - Circle Of Life Reprise (03:22)
The Lion King - Endless Night (04:41)
The Lion King - Hakuna Matata (03:13)
Lion King 2 - He lives in you (03:55)
The Lion King - He Lives In You Reprise (04:11)
The Lion King - I Just Cant Wait To Be King (03:02)
Lion King Nederlands - Jacht Van De Leeuwinnen (02:21)
Lion King 2 - Love Will Find a Way (02:58)
Lion King 2 - Not One of Us (02:36)
The Lion King - One By One (01:52)
The Lion King - Rafiki Mourns (02:05)
The Lion King - Shadowland (04:28)
The Lion King - The Lion Sleeps Tonight (01:09)
The Lion King - The Madness Of King Scar (05:27)
The Lion King - The Morning Report (02:31)
The Lion King - They Live In You (03:01)

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