
Karaoke for Angra - Waiting Silence

Angra - Waiting Silence (04:53)
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other by the same artist (click icon to import directly)
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Angra - Bleeding Heart (04:12)
Angra - Bleeding Heart (04:12)
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Angra - Carry On (05:02)
Angra - Carry On (05:03)
Angra - Carry On (05:04)
Angra - Carry On (05:03)
Angra - Deep Blue (05:46)
Angra - Extreme Dream (04:15)
Angra - Eyes Of Christ (04:16)
Angra - Gentle Change (05:35)
Angra - Heroes of Sand (04:39)
Angra - Holy Land (06:25)
Angra - Lasting Child (07:34)
Angra - Lisbon (05:12)
Angra - Live And Learn (04:12)
Angra - Lullaby for Lucifer (02:42)
Angra - Lullaby For Lucifer (02:43)
Angra - Make Believe (05:51)
Angra - Metal Icarus (06:22)
Angra - Millennium Sun (05:11)
Angra - Mystery Machine (04:11)
Angra - No Pain For The Dead (05:05)
Angra - Nothing To Say (06:21)
Angra - Nothing to Say (06:21)
Angra - Nova era (04:51)
Angra - Queen of the Night (04:37)
Angra - Rainy Nights (05:02)
Angra - Reaching Horizons (05:08)
Angra - Rebirth (05:18)
Angra - Rebirth (05:12)
Angra - Rebirth (05:17)
Angra - Rebirth (05:17)
Angra - Speed (05:59)
Angra - Spread Your Fire (05:23)
Angra - Spread Your Fire (04:24)
Angra - Sprend Your Fire (04:25)
Angra - Sprouts Of Time (05:09)
Angra - Stand Away (04:55)
Angra - The Shaman (05:23)
Angra - Waiting Silence (04:53)
Angra - Wings Of Reality (05:55)
Angra - Wuthering Heights (04:35)
Angra - Wuthering Heights (04:34)
Angra - Wuthering Heights (04:35)

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